Monday, June 28, 2010

A Little Introduction

I guess if I am actually going to keep a blog of my Ironman training, I have to assume that at least one person might actually read it. So, I should probably give people a little background information. Honestly though, I think I am doing it more for myself in order to get through the next eleven weeks. So where do I begin…..

I guess it is time for a brief introduction. I am a 38 year old wanna-be triathlete. I have three children 6, 4, & 2. My wife and I have been married for nearly nine years. I have been involved with triathlon for many years. I did my first one in 1989 and I was hooked. I have thought long and hard for a while about what draws me to them, and I am not sure that I am close to an answer. I used to think it was the competition. In the beginning, I thought that it was the achievement. Perhaps it is nothing more than I really like to swim, bike and run. I know that I am really happy when I am exercising. Who knows why…if I figure it out I will make sure to put it down in writing.

Right now, I am in the midst of training for Ironman Wisconsin. It occurs in early September. For the uninitiated, it is a long distance triathlon comprised of ridiculous distances. This will be my sixth Ironman. I have been getting better and better with each one that I have done. Like many, my dream is to qualify for the world championships in Hawaii. I am getting closer, but still no luck. If you would have asked me why I was signed up for this race one year ago I could have answered you very easily. First, I wanted to seek revenge on a course that has kicked my ass twice before. Second, I wanted another chance to qualify for the big show. To be quite honest, a whole lot has happened since I signed up for this race and I have really had to change the focus of my training and racing.

Throughout my Ironman racing there have been two constants, my wife and kids, and my father. They have been with me at every race. They saw me at my best and they have seen me on the side of the course in agony, unable to control my spasming muscles. Last November, I lost my father due to a sudden illness. To say the very least, it turned my world upside down. I was not able to do much of anything for a long, long time. However, for me to be right, I need to be out there training. So I eventually, I got up and started back at it. I am no where near or where I wanted to be in relationship to my fitness, but that is going to have to due.

This blog is going to be my sounding board for just about anything that happens during the next weeks of training. I will do my best to write down the good, the bad and the completely unrelated so that I can stay sane during the summer. As for the race, I have reworked my goals and I think they are something that I can handle. Feel free to add comment or question if you ever have one.

Ironman Wisconsin 2010 Goal: Execute the perfect race.